Use this online grammar checker to improve your grammar.
Try the Best Online Grammar Checker
How to use our free grammar check online
It's easy to use our grammar check. Just paste your writing into the text area above then click the "Check Grammar" button. Underlined errors will immediately populate the text if any exist.
It's simple.
Spelling errors are highlighted and underlined in red, grammar errors in dark-green, grammar style check errors in light green, and punctuation check errors in purple.
- Indicates a Spelling Check error.
- Indicates a Grammar Check error.
- Indicates a Style Check error.
- Indicates a Punctuation Check error.
Click on the underlined error to see the suggested correction and its error explanation. Click on the suggested correction to replace the error.
Click “Ignore error for this word” to Ignore the spelling error or click “Ignore this type of error” for other mistakes.
We recommend that you review the results after making corrections. Often, corrections create new sentence structure combinations, and the text should be rechecked for the best legibility.
Free yourself from embarrassing mistakes with the best professional grammar checker.
No more embarrassing grammar mistakes! Many mistakes are not easy to catch. Often, it is difficult to proofread your own writing, and this is where a "second set of eyes" proves to be extremely helpful.
Our free grammar check corrects your mistakes so that you can write with confidence with supervision from a correct grammar check.
Enjoy the satisfaction that you have written error-free content.
Grammar and spelling errors can ruin a great piece of writing.
Using our grammar and spell check software will improve your writing. It's just like “having your English teacher looking over your shoulder while you write.”
A free grammar check to help you write better
Our online checker helps you to write better.
We use proprietary research for correcting spelling, grammar, punctuation, style, and misused word mistakes. We wrote our own core grammar engine from our own research. We used NO open-source content.
Our writing rule sources include Chicago Manual of Style, 17th Edition, MLA Style Manual - Modern Language Association, AP Style - Associated Press, and The Elements of Style, William Strunk.
These rank as the ultimate professional standard guides of style, usage, and grammar for writers.
Submit your writing only after editing with a thorough competent grammar check.
About Linguisoft’s grammar check: Structural Clean Writing.
Grammar Rules
Essentially, grammar is a system of rules that constitute a language and the logic of choice and order of our words.
Proper grammar makes the relation between the words become clear, and we can communicate better without creating confusion.
Knowledge of these grammar rules will help you to communicate better.
A sentence is made of clauses, and a clause is a group of words that has both a subject and a predicate. Every complete sentence is made up of at least a clause.
The two clause categories are: Independent and Dependent Clauses. And basically, seven types of clauses create sentences.
Our grammar checking tool analyzes these seven sentence clause types:
Independent/Main Clause, Subordinate Clause, Coordinate Clause, Relative Clause, Noun Clause, Adjective Clause, and Adverb Clause (includes implied Elliptical Clauses).
Our grammar checking tool checks underlying Transformational clausal structure and Thematic deep sentence structure correlation.
Sentence Structure
Sentence structure is the grammatical arrangement of a sentence and consists of four types: Simple, Compound, Complex, and Compound-Complex.
Our sentence checker tool knows and analyzes sentence structure rules such as (1) a complete sentence must include a subject and a predicate, (2) a compound subject includes two or more subjects, (3) an independent clause consists of a subject and a predicate, etc.
This tool is programmed to know these grammatical rules (and also the many exceptions to these rules).
Clean Writing™
Clean Writing™ without grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes is essential with concise writing. Clean writing can make the difference between a good grade and a perfect grade.
Comprehensive communication skills and effective error-free writing are necessary to reach a target audience.
Revising with our grammar check cleanses your writing. Use your best writing skills to connect with your target audience.
Only our grammar check tool scans underlying deep sentence structure that results in clean concise writing. We have the knowledge and expertise.
We created the first contextual grammar checker
software, this one, over four decades ago.
The image zooms for closeup.
Learn More: Why is our grammar checking tool really the best? An honest comparison study can show the structure checking depth of the current crop of grammar checkers:
Take a look at the study. Grammar Checkers: Comparison Tests.
Write Precisely. Try a Phrase Usage Style Check.
1. Choose simple words.
Avoid bookish and overly formal words and phrases.
Write 'use' instead of 'utilize', 'near' instead of 'close proximity', 'help' instead of 'facilitate', 'for' instead of 'in the amount of', 'start' instead of 'commence'.
Check for these types of style errors with our phrase usage style check.
2. Avoid Wordy Expressions. Don't ramble with wordiness.
Students use three or more words when one word is good enough. Why?
Use specific words for a longer phrase. Do not use more words than necessary to express a thought. Good concise writing uses only the words you need to express an idea. No extra litter. Great writing doesn't need fancy words.
Use 'while' instead of 'during the time that', 'because' instead of 'because of the fact that', 'now' instead of 'at the present time', and 'if' instead of 'in the event that'.
A simple term conveys the same idea and is easier to read and remember.
Our phrase usage style check eliminates these types of style errors.
3. Redundancy Reduces Conciseness.
Redundant phrases repeat or express the same thought again.
Keep sentences short for the same reason that you keep paragraphs short: they’re easier to read and understand.
Use the Readability Check to determine reading ease. Use our Statistics Analysis to tailor each sentence to target your specific audience.
Try the punctuation check. Catch punctuation errors.
What are the 14 English Punctuation Marks?
The 14 punctuation marks that are used in the English language:
Period, question mark, exclamation point
Comma, colon, and semicolon
Dash and hyphen
Brackets, braces, and parentheses
Apostrophe, quotation marks, and ellipsis
Some Common punctuation errors:
1. Missing an apostrophe: Wrong: The mans dog barked.
2. The Comma Splice: Wrong: He was there, she was here.
3. Multiple Punctuation Marks:
Wrong: This is amazing!!!!
4. Incorrect hyphenation:
Wrong: It was pre-eminent.
5. Commas in a series:
Wrong: We have dogs, cats and a hamster.
6. Missing comma with dates:
Wrong: It was April 1 1989 when the accident happened.
Our punctuation checker eliminates most punctuation errors. A good punctuation check will check for these types of errors.
Catch more errors.
Fast, easy, and reliable.
Write better and improve your writing skills. Although a desktop version of the software is available for purchase, it’s also completely free to try here.
Many available grammar tools claim to be the best but rarely catch common contextual spelling and grammar mistakes.
Our grammar checker has more comprehensive grammar error checking ability and identifies more grammatical errors with better accuracy.
We created time-proven algorithms for the best long-term product available.
Linguisoft's grammar checker is an essential tool for students, professionals, and writers who need extra help with grammar, punctuation, and style.
The truly best grammar checker
Overlooked grammatical mistakes can diminish writing quality. Eliminate mistakes with just a few clicks.
Improve it, and write error-free social media posts and emails.
Rely on a reliable professional grammar checker to improve your writing.
Our time-proven conceptual design has deep fine-tuned parse algorithms.
These algorithms find deep sentence structure errors that other grammar checkers cannot find.
Has much more grammar, spelling, and punctuation checking power.
Grammar Checkers: Comparisons Testing study shows how ours is the best. We build our own grammar engine. We do not license from others.
A powerful free English grammar checker
We provide a base of over 300 English writing rules to correct common grammar and spelling mistakes, including verbs, nouns, pronouns, prepositions, homophones, punctuation, phrases, dependent and independent clauses, and more.
Error corrections include explanations that help to improve writing skills. Our professional grammar checker tool helps you to significantly improve your writing quality.
Grammar check your way to success.
Successful writing is extremely easy and accurate with our professional grammar checker software. The Linguisoft Grammar Checker helps you to write better and revise more efficiently.
You’ll never need to ask for help with English grammar rules again. Learn from your own mistakes as you correct your text and avoid repeating the mistakes in the future. Learning to write better is remarkably easy. Start improving your writing by making your writing better. Try the checker for checking papers and essays.
Looking for more? With premium, you’ll have everything that comes with the free grammar check, plus so much more advanced checking, full integration, and many other features. Avoid manual copy/paste and keep the formatting of your original text.
Correct your text in Twitter, Facebook, Mail, Gmail, forums, blogs, etc. Use it for book writing, copywriting, business communication, freelance writing, blogging, school homework, class assignments, doctorate thesis, PhD dissertation, etc.
Use our premium grammar checker software as a seamless extension of Pages, Microsoft Word, Scrivener, Safari, Firefox, Outlook, PowerPoint, OpenOffice, or any app. Fine-tune your writing skills with the best professional grammar check writing solution.
Besides using our own research, we also use Apple's NLP Natural Language framework to supplement our own algorithms to determine semantic distance and to train and deploy natural language models.
Anyone dedicated writing should definitely consider our full-featured premium grammar checker.
10 Most Common Grammar Mistakes to Check For In Your Writing
And our grammar checker catches them for you:
1) They’re vs Their vs There
Their less likely to cause trouble. →They're less likely to cause trouble.
Their is a new house down the street. →There is a new house down the street.
2) Its vs It’s
Its a good day today. → It's a good day today.
3) Then vs Than
It was larger then the requirement stated. → It was larger than the requirement stated.
4) Dangling Modifiers
Having walked on the bridge, a wallet was found. →While having walked on the bridge, we found a wallet.
5) Lose vs Loose
I will not loose my wallet. → I will not lose my wallet.
6) Farther vs Further
The student read farther in the textbook. → The student read further in the textbook.
7) Subject Verb Agreement
A small percentage of the people wants a job. → A small percentage of the people want a job.
Twenty dollars are due. → Twenty dollars is due.
8) Use of Commas
We have dogs, cats and a hamster. → We have dogs, cats, and a hamster.
9) Who vs That
The lady that just joined went with us today. → The lady who just joined went with us today.
10) Less vs Fewer
Less people attended than before. →Fewer people attended than before.
Our grammar check tool finds and corrects hundreds of thousands of complex writing errors — so that you don’t have to!
Are you ready to move beyond grammar checkers that miss even basic grammar, style, and punctuation mistakes?
Give your best work by using the best. Connect with your audience through more polished content.
try the best grammar checker solution, and write successfully.