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Grammarian PRO3 X for students!

Better student writing with Grammarian PRO3 X to the rescue...

Grammarian PRO3 X improves essays, reports, theses, and dissertations. A recent survey reported that students improved their writing grade level when using Grammarian PRO3 X. Many improved their course grades.

Grammarian PRO3 X builds right into macOS, and it saves time, work flow, stress, and GRADES!

Grammarian PRO3: Grammar Check Education - macOS
Grammarian Education SAT scores 2015

(Excerpt from the Wash Post) According to Cyndie Schmeiser (September 3, 2015)— chief of assessment for the College Board, scores on the SAT have sunk to the lowest level since the college admission test was overhauled in 2005, adding to worries about student performance in the nation's high schools. The average score for the Class of 2015 was 1490 out of a maximum 2400, the College Board reported Thursday. That was down 7 points from the previous class's mark and was the lowest composite score of the past decade. There were declines of at least 2 points on all three sections of the test — critical reading, math and writing. State-by-state SAT Scores for 2015.


A U.S. News & World Report study (September 25, 2012) examined SAT results and reported that "The writing portion of the exam seemed to give students the most trouble, as 55% did not meet the benchmark in this section, compared to 51% on the critical reading portion and 45% on the mathematics portion."


Proofreading tools are important for students to improve their writing. Grammarian PRO3 X builds writer skills and confidence by effectively guiding students step-by-step through the editing process and helping them to learn from their mistakes.

Grammarian PRO3: Grammar Check Education - macOS Grammarian PRO3 uses these style guides:

Elements of Style - Strunk and White
APA Style - American Psychological Association
Chicago Style - The Chicago Manual of Style
MLA Style - Modern Language Association
Associated Press - AP Style
Harvard Style - Legal

Grammarian PRO3 X is categorized under:
* Best Mac apps for academics
* Best Mac apps for university students
* Best Mac apps for college students
* Best Mac study apps for students

Phi Delta Kappa
Grammarian PRO3: Education
(reprint permission granted by Phi Delta Kappan, credit to Royal Van Horn, author)

Grammarian Phi Delta Kappa