Grammarian PRO2 X Detailed Installation
Please follow this exactly step-by-step. If you get lost, please reread the step until it makes sense. If you don’t understand
something or you get hung up, e-mail us. It may help to print this out or copy the text into another program so that it is
easier to view. So, let’s get started.
Now, let’s install a new Grammarian PRO2 X.
1) From your downloaded GrammarianPRO2X.dmg (or Grammarian PRO2 backup disk), drag the Grammarian PRO2 X folder over to the
Applications folder on your OS X drive.
2) Run the Grammarian application (identified with a checkmark icon). Grammarian will ask you to install an Input Menu. Click "OK". Grammarian will start the install process.
Then, Grammarian will tell you that it successfully installed the Input Menu and
will ask you to log out or restart.
3) Now, click Log Out or Restart.
4) After the computer logs in or reboots, look for a Checkmark icon menu and a Pencil icon menu (Pencil Menu) on the right side of the top menu bar. The Pencil Menu is Grammarian’s menu:
5) Click on the Pencil menu icon. The Pencil Menu displays all of Grammarian’s
functions. That’s it. You’ve done it!
6) If you do not see a a Checkmark icon menu and a Pencil icon menu, look for a flag menu on the right side of the top menu bar. Go up to the flag icon (on menu bar) and click on it. Do you see an item named "Grammarian"? Select the Grammarian (Input Menu)
7) Grammarian should now be activated, and the flag icon turns into a reddish-brown check mark icon. A pencil
should appear on the menu bar. The pencil is Grammarian’s menu. Click on the pencil icon (pencil menu). This displays all of Grammarian’s
functions. That’s it. You’ve done it!
Installing and Updating Grammarian PRO2 X Mojave 10.14.x Security Settings (Grammarian PRO2 v2.1x)
This quick procedure installs the Grammarian PRO2 accessibility security items without having to click various surprise popup notification windows. This also works for resetting the accessibility settings. As of macOS 10.14.1, toggling any of the settings OFF/ON also resets the settings for updates. If Grammarian’s paste changes stop working, Interactive Checking does not make changes, or other document copy/paste features no longer work, use this procedure to force the system to update the accessibility settings. Follow these steps:
Mojave Accessibility Settings
1. Run the “Open_System_Preferences” application in the "Install & Update- Mojave 10.14 Security" folder. This will open the System Preferences/Privacy pane. Click the Accessibility list (on left).
2. Then drag the following three items shown below into the list:
1. Grammarian_Input-Drag into Accessibility 2. Grammarian_menulet-Drag into Accessibility 3. Grammarian-Drag into Accessibility
3. The three items are now installed as shown here:
Mojave 10.14.x overrides Grammarian PRO2 events with a sleep mode, and slow Interactive Checking is a result. You can avoid this by turning off the setting "Prevent App Nap" in the Finder. Select the Grammarian app in the Grammarian PRO2 X folder. Then, select Get Info (command i). Turn on "Prevent App Nap" as shown here:
The Grammarian PRO2 X Input Menu:
1) The Flag/Checkmark menu is the System Input Menu and is on the right side of the top menu bar. You can turn Grammarian PRO2 X on/off from this menu as shown:
2) If a flag menu is showing (no Checkmark menu), turn Grammarian on by selecting the Grammarian menu item.
1) In the Grammarian™ X Documentation folder in the Grammarian PRO2 X folder
(Applications folder), double-click on the Sample Document.rtf document to open it into TextEdit.
2) Once the document is open, go to the Grammarian pencil menu and select "Check All...".
3) Grammarian now selects all your text and brings up a spelling/grammar check window.